Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 38 To Do list

Things I should do today:
  1. Clean out the fridge so I can...
  2. Put away groceries I bought today
  3. Cut up the watermelon that is taking up half the fridge
  4. Finish going through the hallway bookshelf and sorting through the trash/rummage/keep piles
  5. Do same with bedroom bookshelf (the contents of which are currently all over the floor because I was looking for something in a mad panic)
  6. Go through the big pile of rummage by the back door and figure out who to dump it on, I mean donate it to
  7. Apply for 2 more jobs so I can file for unemployment again
Things I will probably do instead:
  1. Drive to Hunt Valley for meatzels (done!)
  2. Catch up on Wordscraper games (done!)
  3. Blog (working on it)
  4. Level my priest some more

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